Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Best Cardio Workouts at Home For Burning Fat Fast

Best Cardio Workouts at Home


If you are into cardio workouts,definitely you  do have your kind of cardio you would love doing. Even if you are not into cardio exercise,there is nothing like doing cardio that you would see as fun and enjoy doing. This is because if you look forward into your next cardio workout,your plan to lose weight will be won.

Now, let me take you through the best cardio workouts at home that would remove those fat from your body sooner than you think.

Step Aerobics

This is best cardio workouts at home is aimed at your legs,hips and glutes and you can set it up at home using the aerobic step and height adjustment.With some music to go along.May i tell you that women really love this.Doing 30 minutes of these will burn off 400 calories.You can burn more calories by moving your arms simultaneously with your leg using your hand or wrist weight.

Brisk Walking

This is as well one of the best cardio workouts at home.It is not as hard as other form of cardio.It is great for people who want to regain their fitness after a while.This can burn off 180 calories in 30 minutes and you can get more calories burned by sprinting or jogging short distances.If you can do the high intensity cardio workouts,you can do the jumping rope.This help to burn at least 11 calories every minute and if you increase the intensity, you can lose as much as 20 calories per minute.


If you like water, swimming is great cardio workout exercise option.However, you will have to do it on a regular basis as it help build stamina.It work well by burning fat from those part of your body they find their home.


This is not only fin to do but challenging.Doing a 30 minute session do remove 400 calories.

Elliptical Trainer

This is good for building the muscles and endurance.It do help to burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes when you use it on middle to high resistance.You can get this at the health club or gym.This machine has pulse monitoring devices that read the rate of your heart beat as your workout.This help you to know how much calories you have burned.

In all,using one or more of this best cardio workout at home method can work fine on keeping you body free of excess fat and making your body maintain the proper shape.

Best Cardio Workouts To Lose Weight Without Much Hassles

Best cardio workouts to lose weight


Going through cardio exercises is not the every day thing you may want to enjoy doing.But the knack here is that a good cardio routine is not all about pain.You will get the lots of gain than the pain that may come with it. If you embark on the best cardio workout,this help you get into shape.shed excess weight,build muscles,and improve blood circulation.It also make you active and not lethargy at all.

The following are the exercises that you could consider as routine cardio workouts;

1. Swimming

One of the best way of cardio exercises is swimming.You enjoy doing it as it is a kind of sports that help to improve the flexibility of our ligaments and tendon.It also help to reduce your tension and joint pains.


This is the easiest way of beginning a cardio exercise program.This help to move the body in full swing and release nutrients to the organs and muscles.This eliminate the fat and regulate the hormones of your body.If your area where you live does not afford you the chance of walking,then you get a treadmill as an alternative.

3. Running
By running, you burn off 700 calories per hour.However, we don't see running as fun to do except on certain circumstances when we are in danger or things that prompt us to run.But if you do run as exercise, it helps to lose weight.

4.Bike Riding

By riding a bike, you will burn off 400 calories per hour.Have you notice that the muscles of those biker.see how toned their abs is.their leg is lean and their buttocks firm.If you ride your bike, you will surely have such shape.

5.Home Gym

It is okay to spend some money buying some cardio machines that you can use in your home.There are cardio circuit training machines that you use to help get the best cardio exercise while you are in your home.

There are different ways of doing cardio exercise but the aforementioned ones won't cost little or nothing apart from commitment and focus in order to get the best cardio workout result that would get your body in the right shape.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Recumbent Exercise Bike:Essential Tips In Buying Best Recumbent Exercise Bike

Recumbent Exercise Bike


If you would be choosing the best recumbent exercise bike,you will have to consider what you want the machine to do for you.If you don't know, may i tell you that the exercise bike is great for fitness and makes you lose weight and get in to nice shape as well. Below are some tips that would help you get the best exercise bike that would suit your need;

It is great for everyone

There are some recumbent exercise bike is so bad that is better you never had one.If you have an injury or some kind of physical defects,it is better you watch the kind of exercise bike you buy.The recumbent bike is just what you should order in you want to avoid more injuries or not able to use the machine.
The recumbent is great for the back and can be used for rehabilitation as it doesn't cause injuries like other would.It is good for comfort and it is easier to use as well.

Heavy Weight

Its big weight enables the recumbent bike really cool for workout.You should know a cheap,light weight machine will move as you pedal hard.And that does disturbs you riding of the bike as it rocks as you try pedaling hard.Light weight exercise bikes moves and rocks and that makes the machine very prone to getting worn out in no time.So,it is best you have a rugged exercise bike that would do well for your workout.

Programmed for Excitement

If you have an exercise bike that is pre-programmed,this help to make the whole workout process interesting.It adds fun to your fitness routine and wade off boredom that could discourage your routine workout.

Great For Women

Women as you know that have time for workout and even if they do,they have little time for doing that.The recumbent exercise bike does great on women in building their major muscle group really fast.It combine cardiac workout and tone your muscles as well. it works on those vital area of the body and does that in an efficient manner.

The best recumbent exercise bike will be useable for all. so see that you follow those tips outlined before you order for any exercise bike.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Best Cardio Machine:Why the Best Cardio is Best For Workout

Best Cardio Machine to Lose Belly Fat and Get Flat Abs

If you looking for the best ways of burning belly fat, you need to use the best cardio workout machine.Though it is commonly known, but not all cardio machine are produced equal and the kind of workout you do, really have a great effect on the results you get.

Below are the best cardio machines to lose belly fat;

Treadmill-The treadmill is a common machine that rank among the best cardio machine because running is  a great cardio workout that make the whole body and helps you burn a lot of body fat.walking on treadmill is really fantastic for good workout.

Rowing machine- This machine is not as popular as one expect.Many people don't realize that rowing is a great way to get strength workout and cardio workout simultaneously.It helps to work our arms,shoulders and back as well as burn a lot of calories.it also tone your upper body as you shed your body fat.

Stair Climber-The stair climber is my favorite.This is because it blends strength elements along with aerobic stimulation.It works the upper thighs and you whole leg.It gives 2 benefits for the price of one.that is, cardio and strength workout at the same time.

Upright Stationary Bike-For me i don't like the recumbent stationary bike,which you have to sit back.It is not intensive as a workout machine.The upright bike on its part has a good level of resistance.It is great for people with bad knees who can't run. It does help to burn a lot of body fat in general and belly fat especially.

In all,these are the best cardio machines that can do the  trick by burning off all your belly fat and get you into shape in no time.

Check out the Elliptical trainer reviews for more information

Best Exercise Machines-How To Pick The Best Exercise Vibration Equipment

Best Exercise Machines


Judging from the many weight loss results available form different health reviews,it is said that the use of best vibration exercise machine is a great source to get a healthy lifestyle. This is because you can have this machine installed at your home or join a fitness center not far from home.

The thing about vibration exercise machine needs a complete training to get the best results very fast.This machine includes standing or sitting actions on a vibration platform that vibrates as you do your exercises.They also afford you other kinds of movements such as crunches,lunges,squats,push-ups and others.You can even sit and relax by resting your feet over the exercise machine or sit in a comfortable mode.

I will tell you that before you order for any vibration machine, you have to properly examine the equipment to know if it is the kind of machine to use.There are 3 general types in the market namely;

Oscillating vibration equipment-This is gives a natural vibration and the machine vibrates as you tilt from side to side.This is one of the best exercise machine for comfort and efficiency.

Tri-Planer Vibration Equipment-his machine vibrates both vertically and horizontally.The vibration platform remains constant.That is why it is not as convenient as the oscillating machine.

Horizontal Vibration machine-It entails the horizontal movement of the vibration platform.

If you had make your choice of buying any of the three machine, you should test it well.Listen to the noise that comes form the machine while it is working and analyze whether the sound you could cope with for many hours during your weight loss program.So, you would not want to get an exercise machine that you won't be comfortable with.

Try doing general exercises on the exercise machine models you bought so that you would be able to know if you can use the machine.It should be large enough to support all your exercise needs without any hiccups in terms of falling off in case you lose balance.See that you check the specifications of the exercise equipment as well.

Also,ask for the time period of the warranty.it is best that quality vibration exercise equipment comes with along time manufacturer warranty.Never make mistake buying or being induced to buy short time warranty exercise machines.

 For more Information see the Proform Elliptical Trainer Review as you Click This

Proform Elliptical Reviews-Buying The Right Elliptical Trainer

Proform Elliptical Reviews


The Proform elliptical trainers, a product of the icon health and fitness retail company is fast becoming one of the best elliptical trainer to reckon with in the fitness industry.

The Proform elliptical is made for the casual runner.there are four model of this Proform in the market.They are;Proform 880,Proform 1080s,Proform 1280,Proform cross over.They icon brands differ in prices from $300 to a thousand dollars.It is alight duty  trainer machine.

The Proform elliptical trainer is the leader among the many elliptical machine in the market.This is because it is affordable and worth much more if you consider the quality of the trainer.It is an interactive machine that allows the consumers control their workout  through finishing of multiple challenges and obstacles courses.The Proform elliptical trainer provides a cut and dry warranty of 90 days for service and another additional 90 days for parts as well.You also have the privilege of an extended warranty.

The Consumer Reports a consumer's authority source on the usefulness on elliptical trainers in the market,showered a lot of encomium on this elliptical trainer as being easy to use.Its rating for this elliptical machine was 5 star.The consumer reports gave a average to its 1080S Proform.This is because the Customer reports reported a case of the machine having a defective resistance mechanism that could not be reversed.The second test model also have the same complaint.There is also the issue of a faulty hand-grip heart rate sensor as attachments with the trainers.

Pros of Proform Elliptical Machine

The main strength of the proform elliptical machine is its affordable prices,ability to entertain and its popularity.

Cons of Proform Elliptical  Machine

It major downside is its average rating by the CR an sometimes below average for some of its models.They reported that most of its proform elliptical machine and treadmills had problem right from the manufacturer store
 For more information Click Here
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Elliptical Machine Reviews 2012-The Best Of Experts Views On Elliptical Trainers

Elliptical Machine Reviews

The Elliptical machine has become a household name for all lover of fitness and healthy body. It has taken over the use of traditional treadmill.They have become popular because of the blend of stair climber,stationary bicycle,cross country ski device and treadmill.

 Unlike the treadmill,elliptical trainers has no or low impact that is great for people who has issues with joint.

They come in either cheap or expensive models.The cheap elliptical machines do not last long and they give you warranties issues. But, expensive elliptical trainers are of better quality,more durable and strong for daily use.

 "Expensive elliptical machines tend to ensure much better quality and are much more tolerant to steady every day use. With cheaper machines you are almost guaranteed issues. In any situation it’s usually best to look to get a item which comes backed by a warranty."(culled from http://rath5463.bcz.com/2012/04/08/elliptical-machines-are-among-the-most-gratifying-investments-that-one-can-purchase-for-sustaining-well-being-and-fitness-however-like-with-most-on-line-goods-with-regards-to-creating-a-option-the/)

"The pleasure of elliptical machines is that they provide a secure and easy starting stage for anybody new to an aerobic fitness routine. The easy oscillating motion of an elliptical permits the consumer to begin off at a slow tempo on a decrease resistance which they can then construct up more than a time period as their aerobic capacity raises treadmill vs elliptical." (Culled from http://marina8676.bcz.com/2012/04/07/the-primary-goal-of-cardiovascular-exercise-with-elliptical-machines-is-no-various-to-that-of-using-treadmills-or-stationary-bikes-to-improve-aerobic-fitness-to-become-fitter-were-trying-to-improve/)

All elliptical trainer are similar in style. They are basically of 3 categories;rear generate,front generate and center generate.

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What Prospective Customers Needs To Consider Before Buying Any Elliptical Machines

1. The weight of the elliptical trainers is to be considered. a good elliptical machine of 250 pound or more is great for workouts. Light weight ones,those lesser than 250 pounds are not usually durable.

2.You have to consider your own weight if it is suitable for the elliptical machine.

3. An easy to read console,having not too many features is a good buy.This is because the fewer the features,the less complicated the elliptical trainer.
4.A resistance type is better than a belt type.

5.It should have smooth and quiet operation.Vibration or rattling is not good sign of a quality elliptical machine.

6.Do a side by side comparison among the models as well as their price range.
It is worthy of note that you take the proper recommendation from a doctor before using nay elliptical trainer.See what Marina says:

"Whether or not you determine to use elliptical machines for aerobic fitness or burning undesirable body fat is entirely as much as you. Always make certain to consult a physician before taking on such workout routines, especially if you have endured accidents or have a history of heart or respiratory issues in the past."

Watch This Video For Buying Guide On Elliptical Machine

Top Ten Mistakes Make On Elliptical Machine

Like any gadget or instrument that you know little or nothing about its operation, you do take time to learn the basic of using it.So, do you need to know the know-how of how to use the elliptical trainer in order to get the maximum value for money.

Some people do buy these elliptical machines and find out that is not giving them what they expected.Owing to mistakes by many users,they fail to have effective workout session while using the machines.

Below are the top 10 mistakes users of elliptical machine make;

1. You're too lazy to enter your information.

Most machines are calibrated for a 150-pound person—but personalizing your stats will help you get a more accurate calorie read. Aim to burn around 100 calories per 10 minutes, says Jennifer Cassetty, an exercise physiologist.

 2. Your resistance is zero.

You might feel like a million bucks spinning at a mile a minute, but without resistance, you’re not going to see results, says Röbynn Europe, a personal trainer at Chelsea Piers in New York City. Make sure that you’re using enough resistance to push and pull through the stride. Then, continue at a moderate pace until you feel like you’ve done all you can do. “You shouldn’t feel like you have even 5 minutes left in you when you step off,” she says.

 3. You're a sloucher.

Standing up straight helps to lengthen your abs, giving you a chance to engage your core and even work your upper body muscles, Cassetty says. Certified personal trainer Neal I. Pire, MA, CSCS, president of Inspire Training Systems in New Jersey, recommends hopping on a machine with an upper body component so you can engage even more muscles—and blast more fat. Can't find a machine that lets you pump your arms? Let go: Some research suggests that leaning on machine armrests during exercise reduces calorie burning.

 4. Your machine sounds like it’s going to take off.
If you can hear the purr of the machine while you’re exercising, it means that you’re going too fast without enough resistance--which means you’re not getting the most calorie burn out of your time, Cassetty says. Keeping a steady, moderate pace at a resistance that forces you to use your muscles will get, and keep, your heart rate up.

5. You don't change directions.

Going backwards doesn’t just stop you from getting bored, it also changes which large muscle groups are working hardest, according to Europe. While moving forward fatigues your quads, backwards puts emphasis on your hamstrings and glutes. To max out the effect, sit back slightly, keeping your knees at a 90-degree angle as you stride.

 6. You haven’t changed your workout in months.

Intervals are a great way to break up the monotony of the machine and boost your calorie burn, says Europe. You can do this in one of two ways: Leave the resistance steady and change your pace (fast for 1 minute; moderate for 4) or maintain your speed and change your resistance (challenging resistance for 1 minute; moderate for 4).

7. You spin until you can't feel your feet.
One of the most common elliptical mistakes is putting too much pressure on your toes, which can make your feet go numb and cut your workout short. Instead, sit back into your heels, which allows large muscle groups to work harder and gives you the stamina to go for longer, according to Cassetty.

8. You don't work your upper half.

Incorporate the moving handles two days a week to put your upper body to work, and hang on to the stable handles on the others, says Cassetty. When you’re working your arms and legs, try intervals—focus on your arms for 1 minute, then pump your legs for 4, and repeat through your workout.

9. You spin your way up a hill.

Some models have a ramp incline, similar to a treadmill. But, unlike a treadmill, a large incline won’t increase the difficulty—instead, it’s easier for your legs to push and pull through the stride.

10. You're an elliptical junkie.

As tempting as it may be to shoot straight to the elliptical every time you enter the gym, you should never be using one machine exclusively, says Europe. Supplement your routine with weight training and other cardio equipment, such as the rower. Making sure you incorporate variety keeps your body from getting used to a single movement and also continues to help you build muscle mass—which, in turn, will keep your metabolism boosted.(culled from http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/01/26/top-10-mistakes-make-on-elliptical-trainer/)